Smile Damit It's Good For You! There have been times in my life where sadness or anger challenged my ability to see past the heavy stuff that was weighing me down. But I can always reach back to my trusted Yoga Relationship to ground me to what really is important.
There have been times in my life where sadness or anger challenged my ability to see past the heavy stuff that was weighing me down. like the ocean, life moves in and out away from the shore – the sturdy shore that seems safe (even when it actually may not be) but the waves eventually wash away the troubles because we stay curious and persist in the quest to design a meaningful life. i do not run from the darkness like i used to, i step back and see it for what it is – just old patterns that no longer serve me.
I participate in daily rituals, like writing and yoga, that remind me that feelings are not who i am. behaviors are not who i am. i am light and love and strong and silly and free, like the waves.
Namaste ~ Stephanie